The Feast of Nativity and Theophany of our Lord Jesus Christ was marked at St. Gregory the Illuminator Cathedral in Antelias on Thursday, January 6th, 2022. His Holiness Catholicos Aram I celebrated the Divine Liturgy and delivered the pontifical sermon. Archbishop Gomidas Ohanian and Archbishop Shahan Sarkissian served at the altar alongside the Catholicos, while Shnorhali choir, led by V. Rev. Fr. Zaven Nadjarian, sang the Liturgy.
During the Liturgy, the blessing of the water ceremony was conducted, symbolizing the baptism of Christ that the Armenian Church celebrates on this day as well. According to the tradition, at the end of the service the faithful take a cup of the blessed water to their homes.
Consequently, His Holiness delivered his message. He commenced the sermon citing the Book of Revelation (21:5): “I make all things new” and continued that the son of God was incarnated in Bethlehem to renew the world that was filled with sin and corruption. Christ became the source of life and revival, and with His birth values based on truth and integrity were established, stated the Catholicos. The feast of Nativity and Theophany serves as a reminder to the faithful that they belong to the Kingdom of Christ and should remain loyal to its principles, said His Holiness inviting everyone to renew their commitment to the Christian values in personal and community life.
Talking about the prevalent situation in Lebanon, he stressed that the country endures critical conditions and demanded that the authorities take responsibility and measures to ensure the wellbeing of its citizens. Speaking to the Lebanese Armenians, he ensured that they, as spiritual leaders, are by their sides and share their concerns, while doing their best to alleviate their pain and heal their wounds, ensuring that that they will overcome the crisis.
At the end of the ceremony, the pontifical procession proceeded to the main hall of the Catholicosate, where the “Cilicia” anthem was sang. Finally, the Catholicos blessed the faithful and conveyed the good news of Christmas.