On Sunday 23 February 2014, in the evening a special ceremony was organized to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Melkon and Haik Arslanian Djemaran (College) of the Armenian Educational and Cultural Association (Hamazkayin).
Mr. Dikran Jinbashian, the current director, opened the evening. He recounted the history of Djemaran, which opened its doors 83 years ago, and he introduced the current school, which continues the same vocation, while responding to the changing needs of the Armenian Community. He then honored the teachers who have been serving the school since 1988.
The first speaker, Ashod Kocharian, the Ambassador of Armenia to Lebanon, emphasized the important role of Djemaran in the diaspora and its impact on Armenia. Vatché Papazian then spoke in the name of the Central Committee of Hamazkayin Association, and highlighted the important role of Djemaran as an Armenian College in preparing its students for global citizenship. He thanked the faculty and the director for their devotion. He then decorated the Dikran Jinbashian with the insignia of the Hamazkayin Association for his services to the school since 1965, first as teacher and then as director.
The ceremony ended with the message of His Holiness Aram I, who first thanked all the friends and sponsors of the school. He said that Djemaran has always carried and continues to carry the spirit and vision of integrity for an independent Armenia and Diaspora.
Catholicos Aram I then thanked the Arslanian family who supported the project to build the the College so that it may continue to play its important role in the Armenian community in Lebanon and the Diaspora. In the end he decorated Mr. Raffi Arslanian with the “Knight of Cilicia” Insignia.