The Commission on World Mission and Evangelism of the World Council of Churches (WCC), in collaboration with the International Missionary Council (IMC), marks the 100th anniversary of the IMC through a series of activities taking place in 2021-2022. The events of the centennial will focus on the history, current status and future field of work of the missionary movement across the world. On behalf of the Armenian Church, Holy See of Cilicia, Deacon Garen Yosulkanian participates in this project.
In an online workshop extended over three days, that took place on November 16th until 18th, 2021, the Middle East group, in collaboration of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC), presented the accomplishments of the movement in the region, including showing a video of the “Birds’ Nest” Orphanage and the Armenian Genocide Orphans’ “Aram Bezikian” museum in Byblos, and elaborating on the significant events of the last century.
Note that the Holy See of Cilicia is a major witness to the socio-humanitarian work of the missionary movement, especially during the days of the Armenian Genocide.