April 6, 2021


The book is a crises-diary; it discusses issues and challenges of theological, political, social and ecological nature. In its preface the author writes.- “The urgent call spelled out in these reflections is two-fold: first, humanity should respond in faith and hope to situations of crisis, uncertainty, and anxiety; and, second, anthropocentrism must be challenged by ethical values. This is precisely the purpose of this publication.”


The table of contents include the following items: fighting against a powerful virus, a tiny virus has stymied the world, Holy Bible, family, image of God, Kingdom of God, science and religion, Saint Gregory of Narek, salvation, education, power and powerlessness, Easter, ministry of healing, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, conscientization, Europe, good and evil, liberation, technological revolution, transformation, theologians, Earth Day, Christ knocking at a door, claim for justice, anthropology, globalization, security, Saint Nerses the Gracious, life, hope, heroes, neighbor, one humanity, Alexis Carrel, faith, last judgment, spirituality, ecumenical literature, triumphalism, consumerism, fear, religion, economy, prayers for humanity, shocking scenes, challenges and reminders, eschatology, responsible society, spiritual and physical healing, global ethical framework, response, lessons, global solidarity, scientists and politicians, anthropocentrism, viruses, caring, online church, violence, new world order, after the coronavirus pandemic, turning to God.