People around the globe will be celebrating New Year’s Eve amid the Corona Virus Pandemic and economic crisis. Adding fuel to the fire, Armenians are enduring the trauma of the Artsakh war due to Azeri aggressions on Artsakh.
Hence, based upon our Christian and national zeal, His Holiness Catholicos Aram I exhorts the faithful to, in leu of their traditional celebrations of New Year’s Eve and Christmas, dedicate and send their funds to celebrations and gifts to the needy children in Artsakh.
For this purpose, the Catholicosate has opened a special account in Swiss bank. The collected donations will be sent to the children of Artsakh.
Donations can be made either on the following address or through your respective prelacies.
Account: W-502039.005
Beneficiary: Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia
Iban: CH93 08755 0502 0390 0500
Bank: Banque Pictet & Cie SA, Route des Acacias 60, CH-1211 Geneva 73
Reference: Fund for the Needy Children of Artsakh
Note that, His Holiness has declared 2021 the year of Artsakh.