22 June 2016. On Sunday, the 21st anniversary of the election (21 June 1995) and consecration (1 July 1995) was celebrated at St Gregory the Illuminator Cathedral in Antelias. Rev Bessag Tepirdjian, on behalf of the recently ordained young priests, celebrated the Holy Liturgy and prayed for the Catholicos to continue his mission as the spiritual head of the ancient See of Cilicia and its people. At the end of the Liturgy, the clergy and laity met in the Main Hall of the Catholicosate where Rev Neshan thanked His Holiness for his 21 years of commitment, his continuing efforts to reorganize the Church and the diaspora, and his unflagging demand for justice for the victims and survivors of the Genocide.
At the end of the ceremony the Shimshirian family offered His Holiness Aram I a bronze bust in his likeness and the Catholicos expressed his gratitude and gave his blessing to the faithful.